You can go on your search browser right now and type in human trafficking, select news, and even narrow it down to the last 24 hours in the search tools, and what you will see is what appears to be a legitimate fight against trafficking, against pimps, against johns or patrons of prostitution, and even against access to prostitutes. If that is what you see then you have been successfully deceived. What you truly see is a new war. The war on prostitution. The reality is officials actually do not care about prostitutes as a whole, but only those who they themselves can pimp out for grant money, traffic for votes, and exploit for attention to their own agencies and campaigns. On an individual basis these women are considered less than human by many authority figures. In fact it seems as though they do not want anyone at all to show these women affection other than to be screwed for a few minutes at best. You are not allowed to live with one, help one in any way, accept any gifts from one, buy any gifts for one, give one a ride, or aid them in any way, even if it's to save them from harm. Essentially other than just being screwed, prostitutes should have no actual existence in the eyes of the law.
I have watched the way police in certain areas talk to prostitutes and it is much more demeaning than anything a pimp can say, because you expect officers to actually be concerned. Oh don't get me wrong, they will appear on the news very concerned for the well-being and safety of these women and girls but when the cameras go off they are the biggest victimizers of these vulnerable people. Often they will use force, fear, fraud, and coercion to induce a woman into lying about her activities. Threaten them with long jail terms if they don't give them a pimp (just a pimp or someone to take the fall as one, it doesn't matter if there is any truth in the accusation and allegations), and sometimes even sexually abuse the same victims they swear to protect. I have done extensive research and have become aware of an outlook from society and officials that will make your blood boil.
Prostitutes are not human. To anyone. They're not allowed to be. If you decide you want to accept one for everything she comes with, all the emotions, pain, depression, insecurities, fear of abandonment issues, inferiority complexes, and general lack of self worth and inherent value, then you are a pimp. You must be, because to authority and society there is absolutely no way these women deserve to be loved just because. There is no way any man should be able to find it in his heart to love what should only be considered a disgusting, bottom barrel, disgrace to human nature. If you're with her then you must be being paid to be there. There's no other way. They are hell bent on scaring these women out of any human contact other than that from johns. For example a prostitute can go out on her own and service a thousand clients and it is always a misdemeanor, but the moment there appears to be someone in her life who she goes home to, her misdemeanor becomes his felony. Until or unless he's proven innocent of course. The goal is to make you not want to be with these women much past 15 minutes. The john can actually get caught with his penis in her mouth, a $50 bill taped to the back of her head, with a hand written note that says, "I just paid for this bj", and it is a misdemeanor, maybe even an infraction. The message is clear. They now even have laws in place that can see families of these women facing criminal charges for accepting any part of money or gifts that come from sex work if they are aware of what the woman does. So even if a prostitute does not have a pimp in the traditional sense, lawmakers have found an ingenious way to create one for them. Thereby severing the last of a prostitutes ties to being able to do at least something positive with her earnings.
That is where the violent pimps come in, the drug use, the depression and lack of self worth. Society has forced these women to shut out anything good because no one who is not a criminal or criminal minded would dare dedicate any part of his life to one of these walking prison sentences. Whether you accept her earnings or not, whether you are unhappy with what she does but knows she will do it with or without you and you just choose to be in her life, you will be deemed a monstrous pimp, human trafficker, and general scum. Because how dare you care about someone who has been cast out (yet kept close enough to still be usable by the very same people who label her undesirable) and left to rot alone?
They claim to be hard on sex work because they want to stop illegal sex work as a whole, and that sounds awesome right? Well do me a favor and take a moment to see how many public officials are busted for patronizing these women. I'll wait.
From local law enforcement to secret service these women are merely seen as products, not much different than drugs. Only they are worth less than their weight in cocaine when it comes to the men in power who abuse them. All over the world athletes and entertainers, even judges, use the services of these women illegally. With no regards to the actual person. I promise these men see it with the same perception as snorting a line of high priced Peruvian flake, or even some of the cheap stuff depending on who they are patronizing.
There are online worlds of customers of these women who discuss the flesh trade as if they are describing bacon at their local grocery store. Complaints of women who use protection, those women are actually talked down about and negatively reviewed, which hurts business enough to compel some women to want to shun protection themselves. This is happening every day. Prostitutes are not allowed to care about even their own safety.
Riverside County, an Inland Empire area of Southern California has been known for its corruption and greed when it comes to the way they treat (or mistreat) sex workers. The way they falsify and enhance charges, actually watch and allow prostitution to occur in order to make an arrest, and in some cases use force, fear, fraud, and coercion to retain guilty pleas for pimping and human trafficking. They don't care who is actually guilty, they just want a conviction. More convictions mean more revenue. Which is what this war on prostitution is really about. Revenue. Grants. Funding. There is no actual reform. Not enough anyway, and the effort for actual reform is miniscule compared to the loud cries for reform.
Recently in an effort to curb online prostitution several credit card companies have stopped processing payments on a popular classifieds site's adult entertainment section. The idea was to shorten the access to being able to engage in illegal sex work online. However, this site in turn made posting ads free temporarily. If I need to explain the obvious and immediate danger then you haven't been paying attention. Even those who may have had no previous interest in working online may now feel enticed and intrigued by the prospect of free. Especially with the potential earnings to be made. Any high school girl can post an ad as she walks home from school.
Until society, law enforcement, and public officials actually start caring about the person a prostitute is and not just the product, there will be no real change.
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