It's the same exact story time and time again.
The victim says she was beaten, threatened, and raped by her pimp or trafficker. Rarely do these women admit to being involved with prostitution before they met their so called trafficker. Whether she is a juvenile or an adult these stories sound eerily familiar and some would start to wonder if these women and girls are being coached by authorities. Make no mistake, there are some very bad men and women out there who will jump at the opportunity to victimize these vulnerable individuals, and it does happen. What also does happen is corrupt law enforcement that will stop at nothing to guarantee a conviction in these cases, with definitions so broad they can instantly turn an ordinarily law abiding citizen into a criminal unwittingly.
I am a firm believer that if you force someone into a life of prostitution, especially a minor, you deserve prosecution. I just don't think all women who are claiming to be victims truly are. There is a such thing as a renegade, those are prostitutes who have no pimp. Should they not face human trafficking and pimping and pandering charges on themselves in those instances? In essence they are living off the earnings of prostitution which is a crime, correct? Or does it only become a crime when the money goes from their hands into the hands of someone else? The initial crime is the same and the end results are the same, so when does someone turn into the monster? Someone has to be the monster right? I'll tell you who some of the worst monsters are. The women who become victims when it's convenient. The girl who has been involved happily and with absolutely no desire to leave the life alone, until she gets caught by law enforcement. Then suddenly they have been forced, kidnapped, beaten, and raped daily. Suddenly they haven't eaten in days, never get to see their family, and have been aggressively fed drugs to incapacitate them to the point of no escape.
They can only leave the hotel room to go turn tricks, and only then when the tricks aren't coming to them. Those, ladies and gentlemen, are criminals who are more devious, cold and conniving than your average pimp, if for nothing more than the fact that they will be believed fully, and they know it.
The moment their so called slave master enters into a court room he or she has already lost. There is nothing they can say because the innocent angel who was performing blow jobs for molly before she met them has said she was drug free and maybe even a virgin until the vicious creature exposed her to a life she would have never known had it not been for that person.
This is happening all over the United States and I have been paying attention, and not all cases are as cut and dry as they would have you believe. The biggest issue is the fact that most people who face those kinds of charges never want to fight them because law enforcement will sit them down and tell them there is no way they can win at trial. It is simply the girl's word against theirs. The jury will look at you like even more of an animal if you choose to fight for your freedom by dragging this poor innocent virgin angel through a trial that will remind her of the terror she was put through, at your hands. They will use force, fear, fraud, and coercion to effectively terrify you away from even wanting to tempt your fate at the hands of jurors. What they won't tell you is that the state or US has to prove every element of their case. That means it should never simply be her word against yours, but corroborating evidence that shows not only are you responsible for her prostitution activities, but that you also received earnings from it. They have to prove she was unable to move about of her own free will, and that she was actually forced into it. These are things that have to be proven, not just said. At the end of the day what's to stop some girl who gets mad at her boyfriend from saying he pimped on her? What's to stop a girl who may have even introduced the guy into a life of pimping and prostitution, from saying he turned her out?
Yet there are convictions every day that will lead the masses to believe we have an epidemic, and many don't make it to trial, instead taking a plea deal based on threats made by authorities who convince them there is no way they can win. Guilty or not. Evidence disappears, smear campaigns run rampant throughout the process, and of course the "victim" shows up to court looking like she can't even spell the word condom let alone describe what intercourse is. She will look like she just came from picking fresh vegetables in Amish country. While the accused will enter the same court room most of the time in custody, which in itself is enough to prejudice the jury. Because of the nature of the charge bail is usually too high to post, and unless you want to take a deal good luck on finding an attorney who is actually willing to put some work in when it comes to these kinds of charges.
There has to be some change to the way these charges are pursued and prosecuted because as of now a female can almost put names into a hat, close her eyes and reach in and build a pimp. It must be investigated more thoroughly from both ends. It's almost as if they completely refuse to acknowledge even the possibility that the so called victim just may have been selling sex already. If you have any connection to her at all then you're already ten steps under.
It seems impossible to me that none of the girls are ever found to be lying, ever found to be the actual brains, or ever were happy even for a second. It strikes me as odd how many of these victims cannot escape until police show up.
This isn't to say that there are no legitimate victims of prostitution because there are. This is to open your eyes that sometimes the victim may not be who they want you to think it is. Does it not bother anyone that authorities are perfectly alright with a hundred men running through a woman for free, regardless of the mental, physical, and emotional damage it can cause, but as soon as she receives anything of value it is a huge crime that should have all kinds of tax payer money thrown at it, unnecessary manpower that can be used for much more extreme crime, and generally ruins someone's life? This war on prostitution is one of the biggest lies and miscarriages of justice this country has allowed. Entrapment abounds and officers make up complete bullshit stories that go without opposition because of their position. I personally know women and girls who have been sexually abused by officers on duty in exchange for no arrest.
Johns, while they face no real jail time do have to worry about having their vehicles towed in some areas and being blasted on the news or local law enforcement websites in an effort to either humiliate or extort them. If caught with a minor the stakes are higher whether she lied about her age or not. That is not a typo. A minor can lie about her age and that is not a defense to protect from prosecution.
Which brings me back to those victims of convenience.
Let me ask you a quick question, if you knew you could rob bank after bank and when you get caught just say someone else sent you to do it, avoid jail time, possibly even be paid for your "suffering" from the person who you say sent you, would you not at least view that as an enticing endeavor? Free money and a get-out-of-jail card. It becomes too much to resist for some.
It's the same with prostitution. Lawmakers have systematically given women and girls involved in prostitution, whether actually forced or not, a get-out-of-jail free card. And they know it.
Funny how a teenage girl can run away from parents who have raised her for 16+ years but can't flag down an officer to report a pimp she's known for a month. I just find it hard to believe in some cases. Some of them seem coached, like they know how to connect all the dots in the exact order, and I'm just not naive enough to not raise any questions.
When you put someone's life on the line you must be sure to be sure. You have to check all areas for loose ends and inconsistencies. Prison time is nothing to play with or take lightly, and some of these women will watch their accused fry as long as it saves their own ass. Or worse, some may be lying to protect another pimp.
There is a current case which I can't speak on in specifics because it is still ongoing, which involves just this scenario. I will summarize.
In the last week of September, 2013, a 17 year old (of course she lied about her age) girl in California, we'll call her B, was working as a street prostitute in Hemet on Florida Ave when she saw a black older model Mercedes-Benz drive past her slowly and pull into the nearest parking lot. She approached the car thinking she had a customer and paused when she saw the man was black as he got out to walk to a BK that was in the same parking lot. We will call him C. She asked if C was a pimp and he said no but said he wasn't a customer either. He went in the BK to get something to snack on and use the bathroom, and B was still waiting when he walked out. She wanted to talk. They talked and walked to his car. B asked C how old he was and he told her he was born in 82 (but did not say an actual age), B responded that C was almost ten years older than her as she was born in 89, she also didn't say an exact age but neither seemed to mind.
At the car they continued to talk and she mostly complained about life working the streets, how much her pimp did not care about her, and how scared she is of the streets sometimes. Maybe B, even though C said he was not a pimp, felt like he had some kind of connection to what she does. After hearing how hard she was having it on the streets C eventually told her his wife used to be trafficked on the streets but had bad experiences and just posts online now. B showed some excitement and said that she wanted to work online but her pimp didn't respect internet work as real work so would not let her. She asked C if his wife would show her how to post. Just post she said, she wanted to see what kind of response she gets. He agrees to ask his wife about it and the girl asks for a ride near her pimps house from where they were. C agrees and takes her by her pimp's house, where he drops her off down the block because she didn't want to be seen getting out of his car. They exchange numbers and separate. The next day B contacts C and asks if C can take her to Moreno Valley to get a tattoo, which C agrees to. He picks her and a friend up from B's apartment in Hemet and takes them to Moreno Valley where B gets a tattoo on her stomach of a cross with a rose over it. Her friend also gets a tattoo on her shoulder. He drops them off for the tattoos and picks them up later. C killed time at the mall in the meantime. He picks them up later that night and takes them back to B's apartment in Hemet. In the car she told C that the tattoo guy was a pimp and he wanted to take her to Las Vegas in a week or two. C drops B and her friend off. C goes back home. A couple days go by and she calls and asks if he has asked his wife about showing her how to post online yet. He hadn't asked at the time but said he would get around to it. He asks his wife (we will call her K) that night and tells her about all of the girls complaints and sad story, and K agrees to show B how to post when she has a day off. K has a regular job but C did not tell B because their story was complicated. So B goes over to the house where C and K live with C's mom and step dad the next time K has a day off, and K shows B how to post and show her postings of other girls on a popular escort website. She makes one post for B but B didn't want to use her own phone number because she said she would not be able to explain the extra calls to her pimp. So K puts her number instead. When asked by K for her age so she can put it in the post B says she is 22. B suggests taking new pics because she only had one or two selfies she had K use for the post. K tells her that she usually takes pics in a hotel room because those pics look more real. B asks when is the next time K was going to take pics at a room and K says she can get a room for an hour just to take pics the next day. So they go get a room the following day to take pics, some together and some separate, but they use B's phone to take all of the photos since it was for B's benefit ultimately. C took any pics with both of them in it. They took individual pictures of each other. All photos were fully clothed, but B wanted some suggestive poses and seemed to be having fun. The evidence shows a very happy and smiling B and an obviously uncomfortable K. B leaves after they take pics but says she will send the ones she likes and wants to use. She will also come up with a name to use for the internet. A little before midnight that same night B sends the pics as well as a few extra selfies, and a couple of name suggestions. Through email. Using her own email address. She sends pics with and without the new tattoo.
K posts either that night or the next day. B did not come by but instead calls and texts over the next few days to ask what kind of response she's been getting. She calls a couple or more times a day just to ask about her calls. At home because K works so much, she normally catches up with her toddler daughter, laundry, and relaxes, she would answer the phone but only sometimes. At work K can only answer the phone at certain parts of her shift but she is able to let B know that a lot of the calls and texts are for B. She suggests B use her own number, but again B said she doesn't want to. B doesn't like how long K takes to respond so she starts asking C about the calls instead, figuring C could get faster answers out of K. B also would just pop up at the house C lived, which was his mother's house. In the same house lived his 2 year old daughter with K, his step father, and a few grand children which were C's niece and nephews. B met everyone in the house. She would pop up when she was supposed to be working the streets for her pimp, and would just chill at the house. C didn't mind and B seemed happy to be off the streets even for a little while. Besides showing up in skimpy revealing clothing she was respectful to the household. Sometimes she would walk there from where she lived in an apartment with a roommate a couple of miles away, bypassing street work to go straight to C's house. She made that trip 3-4 times throughout the course of their contact which only lasted a couple of weeks. One time she was said to have told C she walked from her pimp's house after working for the day. She would not go to the house on the days K would be there. Maybe coincidence or out of respect knowing she wanted to spend time with her family. She didn't know exactly where K would be when she was away, only being told K was seeing a regular.
Over the course of their contact B has K do a few posts for her trying different titles, and even using the pics with them both on one or two posts so she can see the response with direct competition. She never uses her own number and because of K's job never actually got the see K answer the phone. And besides seeing each other those first two times K and B only had phone contact from then on. B also never took a call while she was around. On one of the occasions when she called to ask about the calls C told her he would not be able to find out because K had left the phone at home, but that it was ringing and messages were coming. B asks if C can pick her up and take her to a nail shop. K has their car most of the time when she works and had the car on this day also, so C had to see about using his step father's SUV. He gets the SUV and goes to pick up B who was at her pimp's house. He picked her up down the street from the pimp's house. He takes her to a nail shop in a shopping center not far away. Once there she asks if C has K's phone with him, he does, and if she can practice answering the phone while she waits at the nail shop. She promised to return the phone when C picked her up from the shop. C agreed and they separated. That was the last time he ever saw B. He was in a panic and text her the next day asking her to bring K's phone back. That was K's only phone and he was responsible for losing it. She did not respond. This was at the beginning of October.
Over a month and a half later in December B texts out of the blue saying she had been caught up in some BS, it was a long story, and asked about some papers she may have left at C's mother's house. C told her his family had moved out of that home but he would ask them if they saw anything. C did take her to get transcripts from and old school once so B could enroll in college and figured those were the papers she was referring to. He also took her to Moreno Valley with a friend of hers on two occasions, once to get the tattoo of the cross with a flower on it, the second time to get details added to that same tattoo. On that second occasion when he took her to get the details added to the tattoo she again told him the tattoo guy wanted to take her to Vegas and was supposed to be leaving soon, like within the next couple of days. C told her she should go and that she would like Vegas because she was always talking about going to parties and clubs, and that Vegas had a lot of clubs and bars (obviously thinking he was talking to an adult). C said he just thought she went to Vegas when she disappeared with the phone at the time.
When he took B to get the transcripts mentioned it was somewhere in a city called Perris or Mead Valley.
Twice he took her to pick up her roommate's daughter from an elementary school in Hemet, where B actually lived (C's mother lived in San Jacinto a nearby city). The last time he saw B was the day he took her to the nail shop.
Now C believes her whole objective that day she asked for a ride to the nail shop was to get the phone. Most likely to take to her pimp and prove to him that online work was just as good as street work. He believes she tried to actually work off the phone with absolutely no knowledge of how to even take or screen a call, set up a date with an undercover, got caught and lied to protect herself and/or her pimp.
C's wife had never been caught in a sting because unbeknownst to B, K did not actually see anyone from the calls. I'll explain.
In 2006 K was brought to the United States by a family member who sponsored her. She entered the country legally as a student. Once in the US her sponsor told her she owed him $100,000 for bringing her, and put her into prostitution, first taking her to see men he already knew, and later having her work the streets where she was arrested on multiple occasions. K says she would get caught on purpose hoping it would scare her sponsor into letting her out of street work but he never seemed to care. She met C in 2008, they weren't married until 2011, but she kept what she did from C until she confessed in 2010. C made her promise to stop working and she did, but it ruined things between K and her sponsor. She graduated from Fullerton College in 2010 with her AA in Math & Science and needed a bank statement from her sponsor to continue her education. K had even been accepted at one school while they waited for the bank statement. Her sponsor told her he would not provide the statement unless K continued to work as a prostitute. She refused and her sponsor did not provide the bank statement.
K always had real tax paying jobs, so she continued to work hoping her sponsor would change his mind. He did not. In 2011 K discovered she was pregnant and her and C got married. K did not mention to C about petitioning for her citizenship because she still hoped to gain it through her education, and C was unaware of the process. She continued to work and pay taxes. In 2012 K, C and their baby girl moved to Las Vegas because they heard it was cheaper to live than California and also more stuff was in walking distance. Less than a week in Vegas K was in a casino where she was on her way to a nightclub, she says two white men asked her if she wanted a drink as she passed them at a bar. She declined. She went to the nightclub and paid to gain entry into the club. She says she was in there less than a full minute when the same two men from the bar went in and arrested her for "trespassing". She believes she was racially profiled because of her skin tone. K says the charge was later dropped but she had an immigration hold for failure to comply with Visa requirements. Not being in school. She spent a year in a Henderson, NV detention center because her bond was too high to be taken serious. She says the judge set the bond so high because he did not believe her employment history which showed she had worked two jobs as well as went to school during the same period. Although it was indeed factual he said he did not believe it and raised her bond from $7,500 to $30,000 the first day she went to court. He made no attempt to verify her work history whatsoever.
After a year he eventually lowered it to $5,000. During the time K was detained her husband had started the petition process and they had done all of the paperwork, C would be her sponsor and his mother would be her cosponsor. There was an issue with his mother's income because it came from foster children so she would either have to use a different source of income, or they would have to find a different cosponsor. C's income alone did not cover it.
K went in in April 2012 and was released June 2013 on bond. She had to hint at revealing their secret in order to get her current sponsor to bond her out. He promptly bonded her out, but now felt he held her freedom in his hands and told her he would have the bond revoked if she did not start back working for him as a prostitute. K agreed to work for him again as a prostitute. However she did not intend on actually working as a prostitute. She got a job as a live in caregiver in Riverside. It was her first live-in job and worked perfectly for the plan she had. There were two convalescent homes down the street from each other and she would be at either one.
She would post online and show her sponsor the posts, but the money she gave him came from her employment. Even C would give her some of his earnings to help pay her debt to her sponsor. C did not mind his wife posting because he knew she did not actually work and it kept her safe from threats of being sent back home to Tanzania from her sponsor. Everything was going ok. K went to work, C worked mostly at the house and stayed with their daughter who had grown closer to him than K in the year K was in detention. C had a business where he made business cards and other print items for people. He also did a lot of writing assignments and homework for others for a fee. They wouldn't get rich but they lived Ok and they were happy.
When they met B she had no way of knowing any of this and they did not tell her. C also did not tell her that day she called after disappearing for over a month that the reason his family did not live at the same house anymore is because his mother had killed his step father in the home. He says she said it was done in self defense but that's not this story.
The event of his step father's death took place in December, early in the first week. He had been dead for a couple of weeks when B contacted C out of the blue.
That same December because of threats from his step father's family members, and some of those family members just popping up at the house, K and C moved out of state. Over two thousand miles away. K and C had another daughter while out of state, in March 2014 which means she was pregnant when she was in California and the entire time they knew B. B was aware of K's pregnancy and even asked if she could use the same name they were planning to name their next child if it was a girl, as her online name.
Out of state K worked a legal job even up to the day she actually gave birth. After the baby came, another baby girl, C worked mostly, still mainly from home.
K and C and their two children returned to California early in 2015, tried living in California for a couple of months but it was too expensive, so they moved to Phoenix. In May they moved into an apartment that required a background check which they both passed. In June 2015 K was arrested for a warrant out of California, which she and C both thought maybe had something to do with her immigration hearing which is scheduled for December 2015. She had an immigration hold and the actual charge said FOJ hold. Or fugitive of justice. C was not arrested at the time, but later turned himself in once they extradited K to California and named C as her codefendant. Later they learned that B had been arrested in a sting some time in 2013 (after the last time either one of them saw her) and told officers that she was working with K and for K's husband at the time, and that she also gave some money to K. They both believe she had some kind of coaching. Authorities were able to find postings with her and K of course, and charged K with 236.1 and 266h. Human trafficking and Pimping basically. They could not directly link C but still based strictly on B's word C was given the same charges. Now C and K will have to go through a trial, have no idea what's going on with their children, as well as K is currently pregnant with their 3rd child. From what I can tell this is just a regular family. C has no tattoos and says he has never had one, he is not in a gang, and just does not seem to fit the mentality of someone who would commit the crimes he is charged with. K has a tattoo of her own name on her back, and one for her first daughter on her forearm. She has an accent and is soft spoken. There is no way they can believe she is capable of being anyone's pimp. Yet she sits, a victim of trafficking herself, because of someone protecting either herself or her pimp.
I did visit them both in jail. I asked K why she never turned in her sponsor and she says it's because her family would disown her back home. If she is sent back home on deportation she would have no one. If she gets him locked up and just wanted to visit home she would have no one. Her family is more important than her own well-being. The courage and strength she shows is remarkable. She is more scared for her husband because she said law enforcement attempted to coach her into saying he was her pimp. She says her husband not only has never pimped on her but he has used his own money to help pay her sponsor. So she believes authorities know how to cover all of the necessary bases to solidify a conviction.
Her husband seems less worried, for some reason he believes that justice will be done and says he has evidence that shows the girl was very in control, lied about her age, stole his wife's phone, and never actually worked online while they knew her, and never saw his wife work or even answer the phone. The only evidence he did agree to show me was of the so called victim, in one picture she is forcefully pushing K's head down because K was uncomfortable with the pose. In many of the pictures K looks uncomfortable while B is all smiles and apparent happiness. I don't believe the charges against K and C will stick, but I am aware of how corrupt the system can be when it comes to these cases. I have sat at a trial where the victim took the stand looking like something out of Little House on the Prairie, only to walk into the hall and throw her arms around another pimp and tell him, and I quote, "daddy he a bum now, I don't know why I ever even got it up for that lame".
But these are your victims.
Or are they?
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